Even when unexposed, it is possible to bounce launcher explosives underneath of the creature and damage the weak spot that way. The first weak point is the glowing stomach located on its underside, which the Juggernaut will expose before performing its ground stomp attack.Players can reliably deal more damage to the monster by attacking its two weak points: Similar to Lephantis, the Juggernaut has a mechanic which limits the amount of damage players can do per shot.The Juggernaut's Roar will also disable active powers like Mind Control to all Infested within range.Note that the killing challenge to spawn the Juggernaut will not trigger if the player is too close to enemies. If the player does not wish for the Juggernaut to spawn, they may simply avoid combat until it moves on. When enough kills have been reached, the player will hear another roar along with a Transmission from the Lotus.

The more players there are in a Squad, the more Infested must be killed to lure the Juggernaut out. The Juggernaut will only spawn if several of these buffed units are killed.

The roar will buff a number of Infested units within the vicinity of the player, indicated by an orange aura around them.

The Juggernaut's abilities include a charging body attack, a ranged spine strike (a scaled version of the Phorid's similar attack) and the ability to resurrect a number of nearby dead Infested. Combining these threats with its heavy armor shell, the Juggernaut becomes an intimidating opponent. The Juggernaut is a large, quadrupedal Infested creature armed with formidable ranged attacks and deadly close-quarters combat abilities.